SSH Notes

1. Ubuntu / Debian Linux 重新產生 OpenSSH Host Keys 的方法
刪除舊的 SSH Host Keys : /bin/rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
重新設定 OpenSSH Server : dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server

2. 傳輸資料使用 sftp 取代 mount,或是使用其他 SSH client 的附加功能,避免忘了做 unmount
** 使用 mount 後,一但忘記 umount ,在 rm -r 就要特別小心了 Y_Y

3. SSH Clients
(1) Xshell is a powerful terminal emulator that supports SSH, SFTP, TELNET, RLOGIN and SERIAL.
PS. 若要傳輸檔案,需要在 server 端安裝 lrzsz ( apt-get install lrzsz )

(2) PieTTY is a free SSH client based on PuTTY and dedicated to multilingual (especially CJK) environments, accessibility, and simpler user interface.

(3) PuTTY is a free (MIT-licensed) Win32 Telnet and SSH client.

(4) WinSCP is an open source free SSH client for Windows with the focus on secure file transfer.

(5) wiki : Comparison of SSH clients

4. 讓使用 SSH client 連線時,中文顯示正常的方法
zgod, "[Ubuntu]初建置的中文環境"
FreeBSD Chinese HOWTO, "7.22. 在 Bash/Tcsh Shell 底下的中文輸入"

5. SSH Clients 的教學文章:
evil-m$, "[網路工具] Xshell 4 超好用的 SSH 連線工具 - 強力推薦"

6. GNU Screen 的教學文章:
安裝方式 : apt-get install screen
Tsung's Blog, 2005/11/04, "screen 教學"
Tsung's Blog, 2005/11/04, "screen 常用教學筆記(問答)"
Archer Lin (雅砌工坊), 2010/05/19, "[Linux] screen教學與bindkey設定用法"
Archer Lin (雅砌工坊), 2010/06/22, "[Linux] screen進階用法"
Debian Administration, 2004/10/17, "Using GNU Screen"
Debian Administration, 2007/11/05, "An introduction to the visual features of GNU Screen"
凍仁的筆記, 2011/03/08, "screenrc of Vimperator-like bindkey"

7. tmux (Terminal Multiplexer) 的教學文章:
安裝方式 : apt-get install tmux
josephj, 2011/10/22, "進化版 screen - tmux"
Tsung's Blog, 2011/04/29, "Tmux 教學 + Screen 到 Tmux 的無痛轉換"
Dayid Alan, "screen and tmux - A comparison of the features for GNU screen and BSD-licensed tmux."
Cody, Hawk Host Blog, 2010/06/28, "TMUX – The Terminal Multiplexer (Part 1)"
Cody, Hawk Host Blog, 2010/07/02, " TMUX – The Terminal Multiplexer (Part 2)"
Josh Clayton, 2011/01/18, "A tmux Crash Course"
Sam Livingston-Gray, 2013/04/18, "tmux Quick Start"


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